Is Anything 'Absolute' at all?? -- Nothing Meaningful

Heyllo everyone! (Hey+Hello=Heyllo)
Many times it happened with me that suddenly I find nothing meaningful.  
This means that when I look at everything around me,  observe it,  I find something very ironic.  Following are my observations: 

From the moment I was born,  I have been loaded with tonnes of 'information'.  First few informations were that I am a human,  a boy,  with a name to be called.  Then I got to know that every child has two parents.  They are their 'mother' and 'father'.  Then slowly I got all the information about my other relatives,  and everything basic.  Till now,  I am followinv the same pattern of information that I have been 'told' about.
Then I observed complex systems in everything.  Careers,  Families,  Desires,  Duties.. everything had very complex systems inside.  What everything is all about?  Why this so?  

From the very first humans that have walked this earth,  they started making things by their own.. you understand what I mean?  
Nothing was already known as absolute.  Everything you call yourself 'yours' and everything you 'know' of 'anywhere' is just 'information' or simply 'memory' that was fed to you by others. In this moment,  whatever you think is important is just your career,  your dreams,  or your family maybe.  But the very basis or pillars of your priority is just 'readymade' information given to you.  That means that in whatever field you are ready to dedicate your whole life on,  is just fundamentally unknown! Everything I was doing till now,  I simply did not knew it completely!

To expand my thoughts,  I took help of books. I read two books on similar ideology. One of them is 'freedom from the known' by J. Krishnamurthi.
Read my words carefully,  you there? 

I will prove that in our lives,  something fundamental is wrong!

Imagine  a green coloured tennis ball in front of you. 
1. As it is green coloured,  you will think that its main specialty is its 'colour' that helps you recognise the ball. 

            But wait,  what are colours?  When white light falls on that green ball,  it absorbs every colour from the light in it,  the colour that it was unable to absorb was green,  thus,  it reflects the green colour back, our eyes perceives it,  sends the information of it to the brain as electrical impulse, brain makes the image inverted,  and then! Our poor mind thinks that the ball is of green colour. 
But what if you wear black sunglasses?  What if our eyes itself are a type of glasses?  Then what would be the real colour of the ball?  What would a colour blind person see in it?  
Colours are not absolute. 

2. The reason that you 'know' that it is a 'tennis ball' is just the information that people told you. Else it is just a round thing. Is it a round thing too?  No!
'Roundness' too is a concept that 'others' told you! 

3. The tennis ball occurs to you as big as a palm right?  Yes,  but for an ant,  it is as big as an asteroid! Then for a dinosaur the 'same' tennis ball is like an ant! If you observe the ball at a far distance then it would be negligible to see! If you put that ball in literally front of yout eyes then you'll feel its a wall! Thus, the size of the ball too is NOT absolute!! 
4. If you put the same ball in different planets then it will weigh different masses! Also the experience of 'time' too will differentiate. Thus,  the mass of the ball is not absolute,  neither its experience of time. 
Now,  what do you think is absolute?  This is the core question of life still you think that your BMW XZ is more important!!
'You' too is just packs of memory! 
Nowhere we find any meaning to life! 
Still we suffer,  still we cry,  still we spend the whole of it without meaning. We did not found meaning to life thus we 'created meanings' by forming relations,  duties etc! But whats the true reason behind nature giving us life?  I don't know. 

Thanks for reading despite this being so boring.

Daksh Parekh.



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