The Untold Conversation Between Drona and Kauravas During The Mahabharata War.

Hello everyone, 
Most of you know about the Great War of Mahabharata. It was the war of truth, war of righteousness, war against evil and the war inevitable! 

During that war, when Pandavas were slowly winning, There ran a conversation between Kauravas and Dronaacharya. 
And it goes like this-
Kauravas :
"O Great Dronaacharya! You are not doing justice to us!"

"Why children? What have I done?"

"From our very birth, you are our teacher. You taught us and the pandavas in the same aasharam and by same teachings. But today, when Pandavas are against us, why you are not so effective in the war. Why are you not able to kill them all. At last, you are their teacher, better than them. How could you become so helpless against you mere disciples! How could Arjun, being your student, can defeat you? Oh great sage, you are partial!"
"Children, have you lost your mind? I chose my duty and position against dharma and my disciples then how could I be partial? The real reason I am not able to defeat them is that while we were enjoying the throne and its pleasures in our huge palace, my dear Arjun and his brothers were in forest! 
For 12 years they were in exile and being in forest they have constantly improved their skills whereas we were enjoying in our fort so whatever skills we had, that too we have lost due to too much comfort and luxuries. Do not you dare to complain about our inability to win because this lose will be our punishment. 

Over comforts and Over Luxuries are even harmful then a snake bit because that kills you instantly but your inability to fight kills you like a slow poison. It humiliates you and constantly makes you guilty of your own actions. 
Overuse of any damn thing is always harmful. Dare to bear your punishments." 

So guys,
From this conversation,
We learn that in whatever pleasures we are, we should always keep sharpening our skills. Otherwise the aftermath would be terrible like the aftermath of Mahabhaarata War!

Thank You. 


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