A Rubik's Cube : Beauty of Geometry and Algorithms!

Hey Guys! 
Geometry always fascinates me. The way everything is designed, The way how everything is unorganisingly organised. Sequences everywhere! To add up in short, we can conclude that Geometries of this universe can be compared to human thoughts and the reasoning of those thoughts or the way we interpret those thoughts is maths. 
Mathematics is an expressive medium through which we 'decode' and 'interpret' the universal geometries. 
Tiny-Tiny geometries are everywhere! An apple is exactly geometrical, a tree is perfectly geometrical, our human body too is mind boggling, even the flowers, petals, leaves, seeds and roots follow a specific pattern called the fibonacci sequence! 
Now, whenever we talk about the geometries of this universe, we say that we want to solve this universe like a rubik's cube! Why do we say that? What actually we mean? To know everything better, Let's first know what Algorithms and Flowcharts are!
An Algorithm is a program of steps to get something done stepwise and the step by step organisation to perform that program is sorted in Flowcharts. 
Flowcharts are everywhere. Believe me, to read this Blog, your eyes too are following a particular flowchart. First step of eyes is to recieve the information from your surroundings through light, then to focus it on your retina, convert its impulses into electrical signals, let them reach to your brain step wise via small small neurons, process the image finally by the impulses and also mixing past images as such recieved image and to actually connect and relate them to make a response!!!
Same way, to solve a rubik's cube, we need certain flowcharts and mathematical algorithms to solve the rubik's cube stepwise. 

Rubik's cube is a toy invented by an architect ErnĂ² Rubik. He invented this toy to first obviously be able to play with but the way he designed it, its a masterpiece!
Without knowing specific algorithms, Rubik's Cube is arguably the world's hardest puzzle. In fact, one possible step done to solve a rubik's cube leads to million other possible moves! 
To sum up its complexity,  a Computer Engineer says, " There are a total of 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 ways to solve a rubik's cube. Your each move literally leads you to thousands of other possible moves!"
This is the power of geometry and algorithms! Even Nicola Tesla stated that the only way to know the secrets of the universe is to look it as geometries, energy and frequencies. 
" Either you call it God, 
Or The Ultimate Force,
Behind all this terrifying mysteries,
There is a code, A Unified Source!
An observer it is, A Controller behind,
An infinitely large Stream there is,
Of this Beautiful Grand Design. "
A Work Of Geometry,
Daksh Parekh. 
