Restoring The National Glory Of India - Spirituality

Hey Guys,
Do you know that India,
A country started from Indus Valley Civilization and the Aryans and Dravidians, is a staggering 8000 year old civilization!!
The people at that time were among the very first human races of the world. Greeks, Romans, Aryans, Dravidians, and Judaish people were very first fully evovled humans back then. But do you know why Romans and Greeks failed to keep their races alive while we Aryans of Sanatan Dharma are still called 'Indians'? However, I agree that we've divided ourself into many  classification nowadays like Hindus, Jains, Muslims and so on. But still we're brothers, living on the same land! The answer my friend, is in next paragraph. 

India's Ideal is Spirituality! 

Yes, just as there is an individuality in every person, we posses a National Individuality too. Our National Individuality was the only thing that makes us shine even after 8000 years of terrible history of violent conquerors trying to destroy us. 

Wave after Wave of Barbarian conquest has rolled over this devoted land of ours. This is the most suffering and the most subjugated of all the historic lands of the world. Yet we still practically the same race, ready to face difficulties again and again if necessary; stand as still and as strong as a mountain! Why? How come a country like India, being attacked and ruled by Mughals and Europeans still be alive and vibrant?  How come we still expand lives..developing at utmost harmony and ever burning fire to improve and shine?!
Our race believed in Philosophy and Spirituality rather than Violating and destroying other races. 

Our ancestors tried many other things; they, like other nations, first went to bring out the secrets of external nature as we all know, and with their gigantic brains that marvelous race could have been proud forever. But they gave it up for something higher; something better rings out from the pages of Vedas: "That science is the greatest which makes us know Him who never changes!" 

The science of nature, changeful, evanescent, the world of death, of woe, of misery, where alone is life eternal, where alone is perfection, where alone all misery ceases - that, according to our ancestors, was the sublimest sciences of all. 
See Rome. 
Rome's mission was imperial power, expansion. And so soon as that was touched, Rome fell into pieces, passed out. The mission of Greece was intellect, as soon as that touched, it passed out! 

Each nation has a mission for the world. So long as the mission is not hurt, the nation lives, despite every difficulty. Each nation has a mission, a story to build and preach. But as soon as the mission is destroyed the nation collapses!

Now that of vitality of India has not touched yet, because its mission is to find and follow the eternal - never ending, thus it survives. It is still strong - in spite of all superstitions. Hideous superstitions are there, most revolting some of them. Never mind. The National Life is still Full Fledged and electrical. For obvious reasons, after 8000 damn years too, India is still known as a 'Youthful Country' in the parts of the world isn't it :) 

Here in this blessed land, the foundation, the backbone, the life - centre is religion and religion alone. See our Muslim Brothers of India, how dedicated they are to their religion, ready to gift their own lives even! See our Hindu Origined people, they speak religiously, walk religiously, sleep, eat and drink religiously! Everywhere in India the life is so vibrant, so active! 
Indian mind does not understand or will never understand. Talk them religion, spirituality, God, Soul, Infinite, Spiritual Freedom, and I assure you, the lowest peasant in India is better informed in these subjects than many other so-called philosophers in other lands :) 

Let new India arise..Let her arise - out of peasants. Don't destroy the rich, uplift the needy!  

"India Can Be Raised Only Through The Power Of The Spirit, The Power in Equality."

Lets awaken a Bold and Vigorous India!
Daksh Parekh.
