The "Net" that connects the world virtually..
Hey Guys! Welcome Back To The ImpulsumBlogs.
But wait,
What lets you read my blog?
How can you and your friends are just ONE TEXT MESSAGE away in this pandemic?
Well, to answer your questions, we'll need to study some facts first..
It all starts in the late 1960s in America..
The very first days of the invention of computer prototypes.
At the Inceptions, America first idealized to form a network between bunch of computers to communicate. The communication was first used only by the American Govt Company ARPANET which stands for Advanced Research Projects Agency Network. The first Network communication was done between UCLA and Stanford where the first messege ever transmitted WAS "Login".
But unfortunately Stanford just recieved
" Lo" and thus we called it a start.
Till 1971 we were able to send and receive messeges through the medium of wired electricity and there raised a term called 'E-Mail' which is Electronic Mail. Then came a great innovator Vincent Cerf.
He invented a way through which computers can be introduced globally! And technically that's what we call Internet. His mission was called Transmission Control Protocal which was followed by IP or Internet Protocal. In 1980s people used Cerf's Protocal to exchange data back and forth.
But the real revolution came in 1990s where Tim Berners Lee invented WWW or World Wide Web!
50 years of making, this network with browsers to connect, TCP/IP as a common language and FM or Frequency Modulation as connectors, we're here! Holding a wired box to communicate overseas! But how does it actually work today? How can you and your friends are just a single messege awag from each other?
When you click "send" on your Whatsapp for example, your phone's anntena modulates the electrical impulses as radiation and buzzes it in all directions creating an electromagmetic signal. Though your antenna is dead silent, it actually is processing loads of data and spitting it out as EM waves per second!!
Every Area which is populous by humans has a common Cellular Tower, it receives your antenna signals and obtains yout IP address, your messege, and to whom you wanna send it.
The communication depends on frequency of your messege and the traffic around. Then it throws that information to another cellular network to finally reach its destination - your friend's phone!
Transmission overseas is done by Optical Fiber Wires set up in oceans. They are incredibly fast.
Future Technologies like 5G Data Network and Quantum Computers to name few will use literally raw light instead of slow and junky electrons to fasten up programs and simulations. Some of the concepts used in them like Optical Fibres are already in use in 4G network speed. 5G is not just +1 of 4G but is 20 times faster than a 4G network. That means that you can download an entire movie in just 3 seconds!
Not just this, 5G network will also allow us access to literally everything. Let's hope that 5G will be as secure as efficient it is.
Future is Exciting.
Daksh Parekh.