Are You A Complete Controller Of Your Life?

Whenever I think about a standard of perfection to live life, I always think of Lord Ram. He was a divine Consciousness. As we call him the Maryada Purushottam, it is absolutely correct as he was a perfect controller of his body, mind and soul. He was a real master of his speech and his actions. 
Back to topic, Are we True Controllers of Our Lives? For the matter of Fact, some people even don't know what's going around in their lives. No? It's a meme though! Anyways. We all are imperfect somewhere. Atleast we all have a bit of anger, laziness and lack of implementation among us. To the point, How come you control it? Its really frustrating when things don't go our way. Its also frustrating to drag ourselves to important works.. Always! What can YOU do?

1. Keep Track. Make Initial Plans.
          The thing I always do to implement the most and to waste time the least, I do this thing. Out of all the hustles of the day, I take a second to relax and sit back and decide what are my plans which I want to execute in next few hours. I plan them step by step in my mind and if needed, I write them somewhere. This is because I don't want time to carry me but rather I myself invest time to execute something meaningful. Thus, SIT BACK, and DECIDE what you'll exactly do in next few hours. Don't plan days ahead, maximum a day. You may plan your next day a night before when you're about to sleep. Trust me, by doing this, you'll be atleast twice as productive as now. 
2. Read, Read, Read.

         Reading is the best way to build an ideal character. The more you'll read, the less you'll prefer other's advices and think of your own. You'll build a philosophical thought process too. Overused but So true - A Good Leader is a Good Reader. Start from novels and thrillers and slowly improve your standards to philosophy and character building. A single Swami Vivekananda book too is enough to lighten up your soul. So, Read. 

3. Closely Observe Your Lifestyle and Thought Process. 
       You'll notice that most of your time gets eaten up into all sorts of nonsenses. You're always stuck in friends, family or phone. You let others to use your time. Moreover, You REACT more than you ACT. You wake up for the sake of your family, You brush your teeth, eat and bath to live a hygienic life, then all you do is either family related, or entertainment maybe, atleast most of the time. You CAN choose something moral building over your homework! Its OKAY if you once try to do something different. 
I may not be so relatable only because I am NOT YOU. Obviously. Thus, OBSERVE your life, Think who are those 'Energy Vampires' who eat most of your time and energy. 

Hope you liked this Blog,
Daksh Parekh.
