How YOU Can Boost Up Your Productivity? - Be Innovative Ep02.

Hey Guys! 

Whatever you enjoy, Whatever you suffer, 
is just because of what you ARE isn't it?

And whatever you ARE, is just because of your actions right? You are what you act. 
Thus, If you want to CHANGE your surroundings either positively or negatively, just you need is a change in your actions. And thus here I am to let you change your actions and be productive. What is Productivity? Whatever you act in entire day, the VALUE you create of your product ( body in this case ) is your productivity. I will now tell you how you can be productive at its max. 

1. Journalism. Read Write Cycle. 
To apply this cycle, you will first need a book to read. When you read a book, ofcourse you learn something from it. Always buy and read books which gives you more value. Now, think reading as digesting food. Why you digest food? To get energy. Why you read books? To trigger your thoughts. Now, you remove your food's value by spending energy. Just remove your book's value by either thinking more about the book or expanding the idea you got from the book. Fun thing about spending book's value is that if you spend it, it'll not run out like energy in case of eating food. 
Thus, reading or specifically getting knowledge is the BEST INVESTMENT YOU CAN MAKE. 

This is because that investment never ever vanishes ( if you read the book attentively). 
Therefore, read books as you're eating food and throw it's knowledge out as you're spending your food's energy. Always keep in mind that food's energy vanishes and is temporary but the book's knowledge is eternal. 
Some of the other way, whatever I read, either I throw that knowledge out as actions or as words of this Blog! But after throwing the knowledge too, it still remains with me. 

2. Experiments with Truth!
Explore Life. Explore various possibilities. Spend an entire day blind folded. Spend an entire day without using the thumb. Spend an entire day without looking at the clock. Try some musical instruments. Try imagining what if sun went for a vacation. What if money system is debunked. 
Think, Experience. The more tangedly you'll look at life, the more you'll free from the bondages of traditions and dogmas. The more uniquely you'll live, the more unique your individuality and ideas you'll have. Experiment with Truth. 

3. Why the hell should you exist? 

Imagine for a while, that God is a businessman. We are his investments in this world. His investments are ofcourse for his profits right? That is why our hearts are still running. Think. If he, the god himself, if is thinking that his investments are worth it, and still our hearts are working, then we would must have a purpose to achieve isn't it? We still have something to do which is incomplete. 
Come on. We should not let our Master bear losses! Let us be worth his investment. 

Think two things. 
What do you like to do? 
What change the world needs the most? 

Prepare a goal for yourself and take these questions into consideration too. 

Thus, I would end this by quoting Swami Vivekananda. 

"Arise, Awake, and stop not till the goal is achieved."

Thank You. 
Daksh Parekh. 

