God's Existence Logically Explained.

Hey Guys,

God, whenever talked about, people think of magic and miracles. I will not say any YES/NO to God exisiting. Science proves that whatever universe is right now, is a resultant of an 'Absolute’ condition. This is why energy is never created nor destroyed.

Universe is a closed, absolute system. What I call 'God’ is the geometry and the energy it is comprised of. For a pecular existence like of a human being compared to the universe, must have been built in such a way to realise its higher state.

 A pastry is a part of the cake. Still it is a cake of the same type but with a blurry form. Same way, human body is an integration of the same mass and energy like of universe. The difference between a pastry and a human body compared to a cake and a universe is that pastry DOES NOT have consciousness to regain its knowledge about its source but we humans do have. Scientists prove that we have 'existential memory’ in our atoms and we can actually lighten up that memory by sparkling enough awareness to it.

God has a form, don't, at the same time. We are the forms of God and nothingness too is godly. Check out my whole article on 'Can YOU be a God?’ you will get a clear idea.

Depending on the same concept, the Yogic Practice is built. Yoga in simple terms is to make our body and mind fit enough to grasp our lost source. Hatha Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Karma Yoga, Asthang Yoga are simply the ways through which we can attain that lost touch.

So, does God exist? What's the proof?

"Well, I am the proof!”

My Existence and the knowledge of my existence's awareness is the proof that there is definitely a source from where we all came and will go. Science also states that every living being has energy in it. We have also learnt that energy 'transforms' its state. Thus, when we die, the consciousness inside us is 'transformed' to something pure, which merges into this infinitely large universe.

If you really want to know more about our existence and meaning, I suggest you to read the following books. Those books are discreetly logical and makes sense completely. Ofcourse I cannot describe those books in a blog! Atleast I am ensuring you that those books are not just mere suggestions, but I have actually read them!

1. Complete Book Of Yoga - Swami Vivekananda

2. Freedom From The Known - J. Krishnamurthi

3. Yog Sutra - Maharishi Patanjali

4. Complete Works of Vivekananda - Advait Ashram

5. Gospel Of Sri Ramkrishna - Mahendranath Gupta

Keep Learning, Keep Blooming,

Daksh Parekh. 
