The Open Secret Of Education.
In today's blog we will talk about Education. No, no, I am not here to blame the government of their so and so policies on Education and so and so disadvantages. I am here to talk about the 'Open Secret of Education'. Whats that?
Think properly, and tell me,
Whichever way we turn in trying to 'Educate Ourselves' on particular things and try to understand them in reality, if we analyse far enough, we find that at last we come to a peculiar state of things, seemingly a contradiction: something which our logic cannot grasp and yet it is a fact.
We take up something - we know it is finite; but as soon as we begin to analyse it, it becomes infinite. Do you fully understand any single thing completely? Take even a common flower, that is finite enough; but who is there that can say he knows all about the flower? There is no possibility of anyone's getting to the end of the knowledge about that one flower? No!
The flower becomes infinite - the flower which was finite to begin with. Take a grain of sand. Analyse it. We start with the assumption that it is finite, and at last we find that it is not, it is Infinite; all the same, we have looked upon it as finite.
So with all our thoughts and experiences, physical and mental. We begin, we may think, on a small scale, and grasp them as little things; but very soon they elude our knowledge and plunge into the abyss of Infinite.
The same goes for our own self. We see ourselves as finite beings, but following the same analogy we did earlier for a flower and a grain of sand, we can conclude that human knowledge too is Infinite. Think once, our small eyes are so weak that all it needs is just one punch or even just a tiny needle to destroy. But it is our same eyes that verifies the existence of the brightest of suns and moons and the nature around us. We see universe only after our eyes grant them! Those two eyes balls, being so fragile, potents to unveil the whole of nature to us! 'We ourselves' - is the greatest mystery of the universe.
After finding that everything, whether small or big, is Infinite, world is ONE for us. United for us, isn't it?
This is what we can call as the 'Contradiction of Knowledge'. It is all a delusion that we KNOW everything about the universe. To the roots, we don't even know everything about a single grain of sand.
Then why so much running behind facts? Look at the exams of these days. The more a person knows, The more is he considered intelligent. But now, do you think that knowledge is really knowledge? Its junk storing our memory, nothing else.
It is very sad to say that most of the people didn't even realize this contradiction and think that they're only the smartest of them. Even our Education lacks to explain these things in their curriculum. So, in our deathbeds, we end up confused and broke.
I think now it is enough of us boasting about knowledge we have, believe me, we know nothing. Let us now try to truly know things. Keep in mind that everything is Infinite. We cannot know everything just using logic. Let us have the courage to say 'I do not know.'
Daksh Parekh.
Source :- The Open Secret ( Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda Volume 2 )
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