The Right Resolutions.


We all know how terrible the year 2020 globally was. Many people say 2020 was the worst year of their life.  They say 2020 was horrible for them. But my friends, it was their lack of outlining plans that made them unproductive and dull. Yes, the year was globally worst, but a smart person always has an alternate plan, if the first one fails.

That being said, we can conclude that NOT everything depends on the external situations we face but ALSO how WE approach them. It is all about how you turn the tables, how you deal with them. Therefore, for 2021, being extra-careful, Let us have the Right Resolutions.

Because, at the end of the day,

  "Your Success and productivity depends on your vision, planning and approach."

1. Being fertile.
       Farmers try their best to grow as varied crops as they can. This is because they want their land to be fertile, strong. Likewise, this year, let yourself not cling to just ONE or few hobbies. Expand your horizons. In the morning, play football. At noon, try to study economics and business, in the evening, make some art, or do backflips, or solve a Rubik's Cube. End your day by reading a book!

     What I mean to say is that the more you expand your interests, the more fruitful you become. So my friend, Let us be fertile this year.

2. The Interest and The Need.
      After developing interest in every field of work possible, now, you have a bigger perspective of the system. 

Henceforth, think WHAT the system needs. What the system lacks. Serve yourself a goal, a core motive.

     Observe a tree. Tiniest of its leaf has a special purpose. Smallest of its branch has a purpose. What is an individual value of it? Whats the need? Nil. It serves a wholesome goal. Otherwise, it simply wouldn't exist.

Therefore, this year, Let us gradually expand our interests and serve ourselves a goal.

3. Mastering Thoughts and Work.
    After all the goal making and aiming, if you cannot help your cravings, if you cannot control your nerves, you have a fundamental defect.

  Raise resistance against comforts which are like slow poison for your growth. If you cannot, then its okay. You'll fall and will be up the next minute. Either Utmost resistance or no resistance.

This Year, Let us free our thoughts from mind's chemical conflicts. Let our work go beyond mere nerve tickling activities.
My friends, It is our "Right Resolutions" that helps us to choose the " Right Path".

We are not perfect, but yes, we can achieve perfection through practice.

Thank You.
Daksh Parekh. 


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