Internet :- The Millennial Revolution!

Hello Everyone,
We all have studied in our history books that the revolutionary invention of primitive people was 'fire' and 'wheels'. This is simply because the way those inventions contributed to other inventions related to the similar concepts. Life without fire? Life without wheels?

Same goes for electricity too. Without artificial electricity generation, we are nowhere far from cave people.

In this blog, I will talk about an invention, which is the invention of the lifetime, invention of the century and also the 'once in a thousand years' invention.

That invention is far more powerful than seastorms, far more impactful than even the highest of authority - Government. It is also far more stronger than the strongest of weapons known to mankind - Nuclear Bomb. The reach of that invention is far more distant than of even the longest of rivers and highest of the mountains. Now, what could be that invention?


My friends, its the Internet.

Just think about this.

With Internet with you, you have the power to influence every ONE of the 7. 7 Billion people directly or indirectly just sitting inside your home!

Connecting with people to exchange thoughts, opinions and ideologies has never been this easy!

In ancient times, influencers and leaders used to travel thousands of miles all around the world to preach their ideas. We are fortunate to know some of them just because of the books we read nowadays about their lives.

Think for a moment,
If the preachings of Jesus or Budhha,
If the bravery of Alexander or Changragupta,
If the wisdom of Socrates or Chanakya,
If the knowledge of Tesla or Charaka,

Would not be recorded in books, who would know them?

Think with another angle.
What if thousands of Buddhas and Teslas were born in our human history but no one noted their qualities and contributions?

If Socrates and Chanakya had internet at that time, think how much impact they would make in our societies!

This my friend, is the power of Internet.

being a Blogsite of a 14 year old boy,
is able to deliever its messeges only because
of the genius of internet!

With Internet on your side,

You have the power to agree, disagree, influence and deform highest of the masses!

Just you need a good idea, a good suggestion,
And rest of the work leave to the internet!

What is your take-away from this Blog?

Think and tell me,
For what purposes you use the internet?

For me, I use internet to constantly learn new things. Everyone has a platform to share their knowledge, so I benefit from the Knowledge available in the various platforms of the internet.

Just think about it, you have access to literally every single information! Its the matter of how you use it.

 You have a rose flower in front of you.
It is on you if you start weeping by considering the thorns of it or you become joyful accepting its beautiful red petals and flower.

My personal thoughts on Internet are that the Indian Youth spends most of its time being active internet user. Thus, Indian Youth is EVERY READY to get influenced. In fact, we see most of the time its the youth who trends the Internet. My concern is just that Indian Youth has a wrong influence. We see that the youth is overinfluenced by Indian Bollywood and its Dramas. They tend to absorb the bad meaning conveyed in the films. They tend to act like they're ever thirsty of love, egocentric and vulgur. Yes, not all of the films convey that messege. Yes, not all the youth do the same.

Still, we, as an Indian Youth, should know whom to follow and from whom to be influenced. We are the face of our country. We are ought to shine.

Let us be in the productive side of the Internet.
The RAPID change Internet can make.. Even citizens from very corner of the world can rise above using it.

Making money has become a lot easier with Internet. Millions and Millions of books has a virtual library with Internet. We are more updated about the worldly affairs than ever before. Whatever you need, Internet has for you. Just ask.

 But be sure to ask something which adds value to your character. Thats it.

Daksh Parekh. 


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