'Your House is on Fire'

Hello Everyone,

Today, we will encounter face to face with the two most problematic things that an individual faces. The first one will be the biggest problem and the second one will be the highest fear of humans. Let us dig deeper.

Suppose you are on your vacations. You are sitting inside your hotel all relaxed. Suddenly, you get the news from your neighbours that your house is on fire. How would you react? Yes, your initial reaction would be

"Hmm, jealous neighbour!
Cannot even control his agony seeing me enjoying on vacations. Try as much as you can you fool, I will not let you ruin my holidays."

But then, when you verify the same news by the municipal fire fighters, you immideatly realise the thing. How restless you become? Every moment like poison, not knowing whats happening at that damn place, sitting somewhere on a hotel - helpless!

Think about this,
What is the biggest fear of your life?
Everyone has their own fears. But the most fearful thing a human could ever imagine is death. Yes, the thing that is never thought of.

You may say that "My self respect is more important than even my death itself"
But if you think with an open mind, you get to know that it is death and death only that is the most horrible thing. Respect? Its relative. It may be altered. One day its gone, the other day its back, and even if not, then who cares? Being dead, you are completely off from all your dogmas and doctrines of self respect, liberty and all that.

When you think of life,
It needs so much effort, so much planning, so much involvement. Every living creature on this planet is in never ending struggle to sustain its life. It is in constant fight with nature's laws to live. 

When you think of death,
Oh its effortless! Planning? Oh its so accurate and sharp that it gets you from anywhere no matter what!

The moment you were infused with life being born, the same moment you started dying too. You started with an inhalation of oxygen; and at the same time only it was already confirm that some day or the other this inhalation will end in a final exhalation of death. Reading this blog, you're actually dying. Stop reading the blog? Still dying.

I am not passing any prejudice or opinions on death, but it seems to me very important to accept death and our mortal nature.

With our egoes in the seventh sky,
We are always tied up in some or the other nonsense activity. We are always carried away by attractions and repulsions of things surrounding us.

Do you have the power to imagine YOURSELF sleeping eternally.. On a funeral pyre that is ready to burn you away into ashes?

Imagine your state being dead. Oh, sorry, you would not have the consciousness to think and imagine being dead!

What is your take-away?

To understand life, you can take a little help of death. Always keep in mind that whatever delusion you carry within yourself is just nonsense. People around you, and even you too, are slowly but surely melting away towards death.

Whenever your bones do not agree to work with your thoughts and you feel lazy or tired, just my friend, just do one thing. From the very core of your soul, whisper this thing in your mind,

                    "Your House is on Fire"

Thank You,
Daksh Parekh. 


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