Let Us Awaken The Teacher Within.
Namaste Curious Seekers,
Recap :- Our second-last Blog was on 'Situation of Students in CoViD-19 Pandemic. There we had discussed how pandemic has ruined the Education System of India that was already stinking for years. We had briefly gone through the outcries of students. In the last blog, we had discussed about what Sri Ramkrishna, A Modern Spiritual Giant and the Fate Maker of Swami Vivekananda believed about Education. Remember his word? Current Education is Bread-Winning Education!
After all these, let us continue our Education Series with another important factor to consider. Actually it is the most important point we all should keep in mind. Hence, today's blog will be on something which will clearly tell you your role in our journey.
It is now enough provoking and blaming the system. It is now enough whispering in the background. It is now enough of us sitting with folded legs criticising everything bluntly. For how long could this last?
If we have the guts to speak against the whole system, why can't we take up some action then? Is it a law that if the Education will change, then only we will change?
We need to understand this. What is Education? Think once. Can anyone really teach you anything?
Think it this way - Can you really grow a plant? Your job is to prepare the soil, place it in a warm and sunny location, provide water and that's it. Plant will grow itself.
What we did here? We cleared the obstacles and satisfied all the necessary conditions wherein which a plant grows. After all these preparatory steps, the rest followed automatically by itself.
You learn something, gain knowledge the very same way!
Can mere words of a teacher enlighten the student? Then why various students studying under the same teacher has different grasping powers?
It is the mind that re-analysis itself whenever an external suggestion comes, and triggers the inner conscience.
Why Newton could think of Gravity watching the apple fall? It was the power of his mind which made him link all the previous thoughts to come up with an Internal idea.
There goes a saying in Indian Philosophy -
'All knowledge of the world is already within'
Was this just a blasphemy spoken by an idiot? Atleast till know you may have thought so, but in reality, this saying is true.
Now. How can we link this to Education?
Guys, this is the supreme truth, the ultimate secret of Learning Eternally..
The same thing, when looked with various minds, becomes distinct realities for respecitve minds. Yet the same thing again, when looked with same mind, but now with various degrees of attention, also changes our perception!
True Education teaches us to analyse our own minds more attentively.
Nowadays people complain that Education has become a business, a gamble of money. To obtain peculiar degrees many many fortunes have ruined, with no net benefit!
Should that even be called Education? From whatever Mr. SmartAss you study, if your inner self is not strong enough to follow his words and to keep analysing, you are nobody. Even by reading this blog, maybe it could happen that my motive of writing the blog is to deliver X message, but your mind analyses this blog in Y way and the another reader may take it in a completely different direction!
Whatever the food is,
If your stomach is not strong enough to digest it, the food is useless.
Education is all about absorption of ideas.
In Ancient India, there have been many many such legands who have realized the whole nature of this universe by JUST closing their eyes!
There have been saints who have had deep insights of mysterious realities by just meditating in their caves. What makes the difference? Your inner flame.
If we are stuck in any problem whatsoever, it is just because our inner lacking of clarity. Why are we talking so much of Education System if in reality all Education is within - you may ask.
And my reply is that if our minds have become so foggy and ignorant, the only way to cope this weakness is to improve outer/external conditions!
If a plant is very much weak, doesn't it need extra care? Think, we have become so weak internally, that we need externals to uplift.
We will definately improve the externals to purify the internal. No doubt.. But still, the true secret of Education is this - Only you are your own teacher. Vain are your dogmas and doctrines if your mind is rusted in the first place!
Even if Albert Einstein comes and teaches his Relativity theory to a donkey, the poor donkey would not be affected even a bit! Even if Sir Issac Newton comes to teach his Calculus to a cow, all his efforts will be useless.
"The real teacher is within"
"The Real Education comes from within"
"You are your own teacher"
Now let us know what Swami Vivekananda thinks on this.
"The external world is simply the suggestion, the occasion, which sets you to study your own mind, but the object of your study is always your own mind. The falling of an apple gave the suggestion to Newton, and he studied his own mind. He rearranged all the previous links of thought in his mind and discovered a new link among them, which we call the law of gravitation. It was neither in the apple nor in anything in the centre of the earth.
All knowledge is within us. All perfection is there already in the soul. But this perfection has been covered up by nature; layer after layer of nature is covering this purity of the soul. What have we to do? Really we do not develop our souls at all.
What can develop the perfect? We simply take the veil off; and the soul manifests itself in its pristine purity, its natural, innate freedom."
-Swami Vivekananda
Daksh Parekh.
Nice bro