Mental Crisis :- An issue emerging like a wildfire.

Greetings Beloved Readers,

In this Modern Age,
You must have definately come across these words like "anxiety attack" "depression" "existential crisis" "mental breakdown" and so on. Extreme Depression and Suicidal Thoughts are now very very common in young teenagers. All this has become like a usual thing. Many many people ruin their lives and at worst commit suicide - unable to cope these things.

Well, we all know the problems, we all may have even faced them personally, but what solution can we find? How can we stop all these mental bullshit? Lets dig deeper into the CAUSE of all these problems.

Conflicts in relations, confusion in life and stress of daily work are the major causes that triggers all the words liked 'depression' we discussed above.

Can we find ONE common thing in all these conflicts? All these effects have ONE common cause - Mental Defeat, Mental Unsteadiness.

Dear Friends,
Since humans started evolving, our lives too have started been more complex and troublesome. Alas! The same well we dug by our own hands to get water caught us in and drown us! We cannot afford to live peacefully with our own mind, We cannot stay one moment alone, thinking about life and its point. Every moment we need someone to entertain us, Every moment we seek things which excites our nerves a little!

Let me be straightforward.
All this happens because you don't have a proper control over your mind. Now, proper control of mind comes only when you have proper knowledge or understanding of how actually the mind WORKS.

Yesterday was International Yoga Day. Yoga is an organised, systematic set of practices you follow to control this very unstable mind of yours. In fact, Cheif Propagator of Yoga - Maharishi Patanjali in his Yoga Sutras literally describes Yoga as "चित्त वृत्ति निरोधः"  meaning as ' suppressing/settling of mind. '

It is quite fantastic that Ancient Indians sniffed the possible dangers that an unstable mind can create.. Ruining our entire life. In Bhagvat Geeta's chapter 3 (Karma Yoga) verse 21, we find Sri Krishna explaining Arjuna this analogy:-

Our body is like a chariot, the horses are the five senses, the reins in the mouth of the horses is the mind, the charioteer is the intellect, and the passenger seated behind is the soul residing in the body. The senses (horses) desire pleasurable things. The mind (reins) is not exercising restraint on the senses (horses). The intellect (charioteer) submits to the pull of the reins (mind). So in the materially bound state, the bewildered soul does not direct the intellect in the proper direction. Thus, the senses decide the direction where the chariot will go. The soul experiences the pleasures of the senses vicariously, but these do not satisfy it. Seated on this chariot, the soul (passenger) is moving around in this material world since eternity.

However, if the soul wakes up to its higher nature and decides to take a proactive role, it can exercise the intellect in the proper direction. The intellect will then govern the lower self—the mind and the senses—and the chariot will move in the direction of eternal welfare. In this way, the higher self (soul) must be used to control the lower self (senses, mind, and, intellect).

This is stupendous!

Gigantic Minds of our Ancient Culture knew that our minds can sometimes make us their slaves. An organ of our own body can rip us off torchering all the time!

This mind is to be mastered first.

Well, who understands this mischief of mind better than us.. The present generation people!

My friends, I really think that a Mental Crisis awaits in future... Leave all the chances of World War III. My clarity suggests that day by day an invisible war is started to take action.. A war within us, and not external. A mere football shaped organ of our own body is making us its slaves. Cannot we learn to distance ourselves a little from it when needed?

In the midst of all this,
I think that we have to pause all our secondary progresses and take a step back to hear the voice echoing from within.. To stabilize the fire lightened within, or else it can be a wildfire!

Let us kill off our inner enemies, the real ones.
Daksh Parekh signing off :)


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