Having a Personal God :- A Psychological Trick.

Namaste Dear Readers!

Proving the existence of god is perhaps the biggest subject of debates in the history of humankind. Is there any force guiding us? Why are we here? Can we realise "God"? Afterall, is there anything in reality as God?

The first argument of an atheist upon this question of God's existence is that, " If there were something called GOD, why is that god with so many forms, so many names and qualities, often causing quarrels between religions. In fact, if there would really be one nameless, formless god, why are there so many religions? With thousands of beliefs and differences? "

Well, this question is very good. This very question was roaming in my mind for around an hour a week ago. I thought, thought and just thought. After all the useless thinking, I decided myself to put in the position of a devotee, a bhakta, who has FAITH in a particular god. I thought that let us forget all the arguments, all the humbugs and theories. Let us try to understand all this being actually in the place of a devotee.

 if I suppose that Lord Narayan is everywhere,
Inside me, inside you and inside everything... The same Lord Narayan, my dear god, who has taken the form of everyone around me. In short, I have come to such a stage in my life where I will think everything happening in my life is because of Lord Narayan's wish.

If something good happens, I will say, "Oh, Lord Narayan, its all your wish!". If something bad will happen, "Oh, Lord Narayan, its all your wish!".

In a cow I will see the same Narayan and in my own mother and father I will see him, even in a soldier also in a terrorist, I will see the same Narayan.

In short, I have unflinching faith over something that I have assumed as the basis of my life, the essence of everything that's happening to me.

Now. What will happen after all this?

The devotee, the bhakta, will have so much faith in him, that he will automatically be free of everything that's happening in his life!

His emotions will be so sweet, like a child, that anything happens, he will not be affected by life even a bit.

Now tell me, what is the biggest problem of your life? The problem is life itself. As long as you say "MY" life, you actually accept life's every blow, every pain and everything random that your life has to offer you.

Now, putting some "GOD", whether be it imaginary, will make you FREE from your life. Always you'll be blissful, Always you'll be sweet. As long as your Narayan is between your life and you, there will be no pain for you, no suffering for you!

My friends, this was the answer that naturally came from my mind. This is the "life hack" that all the Bhaktas use... To be unaffected by suffering. Take example of Meerabai, Tulsidas, Prahlad and even Shri Ramkrishna, who saw everything as their dear lord, dear love!

Shri Ramkrishna saw Maa Kaali everywhere. He saw her in everything that came in front of Shri Ramkrishna's eyes. That is how he was as free as a feather, untouched by suffering, untouched by pain!

"O mother" Shri Ramkrishna would cry like a baby, saying, " I know no knowledge, no ignorance, I know no pleasure, no pain, I know no virtue, no sin, take away all this!" He said, " I have nothing to offer you. I am so poor. Thus, here is my body, take this as an offering!"
This is the highest form of love, which results in highest form of purity of mind.

By assuming a God as your life's goal, you automatically follow this principle of Bhagvat Geeta :-

" कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन्।
मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भूर्मा ते संगोस्त्वकर्मणि।। "

Translation :- इंसान को केवल कर्म का ही अधिकार है, उसके फल के बारे में चिंता करने का नहीं। इसलिए तुम कर्मों के फल की चिंता मत कर और कर्म से विमुख मत हो।

"Which God should I believe in?" is your next question. The answer is simple. It does not matter whom you pray, whom you love. Remember that it is for your sweetness of emotion. It doesn't matter whom you love because all the gods you see are mere imaginations. Just have immense love. It is an internal process.

Praying to god just means to raise love and compassion inside you. It is just to bloom your inner flower, to awaken the sweetness and bliss within you :)

Daksh Parekh. 


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