India and its Burgeoning Population :- Root cause of all mischief.
Beloved readers,
The current condition of the Indian subcontinent is like of an anthill. In its very limited area and with very limited resources, India is literally flooded with masses like those of directionless ants, all over place!
Well, we all are the part of that same anthill as much as any other Indian citizen. WE are only to blame for our plight. Hence, in this blog, we will try to get a clear picture of our current issue of overpopulation and its possible cures. Firstly we will understand how overpopulation is catastrophic and then this blog will take you through how can we PREVENT overpopulation and the latter part will be on how can we FACE overpopulation, as it were, like a real crisis which we cannot 'undo'.
1. Overpopulation and its horrible descendants.
Suppose there is a water tank. It has 1000L of water in it. If one outlet of the tank is opened, that 100L will pour out slowly and in a limited amount. Now, what if 100 outlets are shut open instead of 1? Its simple that the 1000L water tank will get empty much faster.. With each outlet getting very very little or negligible amount of water.
This is overpopulation in a nutshell. Tonnes of people and very little resource, very less opportunities! Moreover, in a water tank, atleast all the outlets are bound to get an equal share of water, be it a little, but atleast equal. Whereas in the case of overpopulation, none of the outlets are equal. They'll compete with eachother, ending up supressing one another. All the people will fight for more share of resource.. Which in technical language, we call crimes, corruption and all that!
Do you now see where the main mischief lies? In overpopulation. It links with all sorts of problems that India is facing. For instance, take foreign countries, everyone there have a decent financial position and a well-to-do lifestyle.. Thus, they all prefer to stay loyal and helpful to their country.. Discarding the crimes and embracing progress. Can this logic further be more transparent and clear than this?
2. Prevention of Overpopulation.
We all know what triggers a couple to have a child. It is their freaking millions of years old animal instinct to reproduce. Give me one couple which thought of reproducing just for the sake to love their child or to dedicate their child for national service or atleast for family's sake. There is always that 1% nerve-tinglings behind any birth of a child. This tingling has got out of control now.. Tell me, how else can we prevent overpopulation? This is the most straightforward I can be.
A child must be born with proper planning, unshaken decision and absolute responsibility. Why there are so much abortion cases in India, nay, all over the world? Just because of that animal instinct, not because couples willingly want a child. When it comes to take up the responsibility of a child, the young couples discard the idea of that straight away. We find many cases in western world where the couple willingly stays childless just because they don't want to raise them or to be bounded by them. See how diabolic we are!
3. Facing Overpopulation.
The one major thing that overpopulation does is this :- utter chaos in societies and sheer disorganization among masses. Unemployment, Crimes etc are but children of this supreme demom - chaos due to overpopulation. Thus, effective governance of the nation and flexible systems must be taken care of in order to face overpopulation.
It is just a game of puzzle, you know. Resistance comes only when their is disorganization. When every piece is in the right place, all the problems of overpopulation vanishes.
See this infinite universe, how it is 'too full of itself'. But still it is a complete system in itself. How? Because of its internal harmony. Because of its ingrated pieces.. Making up this puzzle so grand and divine!
Well, I had the option to astonish you with all the humbugs of facts and figures and all the data stuff, but I chose to make this blog simple and straightforward. This is what my clarity suggests.
Daksh Parekh.
So true!
ReplyDeleteSimple yet effective!