2021 Gave Impulsum A Clear Vision. What's the future?
This is officially the first blog of the year 2022. Before starting this blog, let me congratulate myself, and you, the readers, for having an unbreakable record of blog days. We missed not a single tuesday last year. Many a times I felt bored, tired about blogging every single tuesday. My friends, relatives too adviced me of leaving aside this blogging affair for sometime. Many a times I even ran out of topics. But still I continued somehow. Therefore, cheers to our shatterproof bond!
Now, this we talked about past. Let us talk about future of Impulsum. Before discussing the future of Impulsum, let me tell you the very reason behind why I created Impulsum im the first place. Let me tell you about that vital force which pushed me every tuesday to write on some or the other informative thing.
"We humans are in constant struggle to make sense of our own existence and the world around us. All the struggles of a human life is essentially to get more clarity and peace. Impulsum Blogs offer you this very topic to read. Here you'll find 5 min reads on Philosophy, Education System, Youth Awakening, Universal Harmony, Spiritual Humanism and Rationalism based inquiry. Keep sharpening your sword of wisdom with Impulsum. New blog every Tuesday."
This is the description of our Impulsum. Reading this, the two elements that you can clearly catch about Impulsum are self-knowledge and social empowerment, philosophy and nation-building. The combination of these two is what Impulsum essentially is. An aphorism of Rig-Veda, which is the motto line of Shri Ramkrishna Mission, perfectly defines the goal of Impulsum - "आत्मनो मोक्षार्थः जगद्धिताय च।" - For one's own liberation and for the welfare of the society.
My main goal, to make it more generalised, can be to make people more aware i.e awakening of the masses. We need a mental awakening in India right now. We need a Post-Independence Renaissance in India. After independence, we've ofcourse come a long, long way as a nation. But now is the time for this motherland to produce robust youth like a large-scale industry. This can only be done with amendments in education. We need some rich thoughts to be infused inside the veins of India. Those thoughts can be put into national lines either through national revolution in Education System or either through better journalism, using technology etc. So in short there are two options. First, step into politics, clean that stagnate place, then have social and educational reforms. Second, create such a system which, although has no proper authority like that of the govt, but still educates the masses and impacts them in a tremendous way. Ideas we have, very lofty, very bold they are. The problem is that, out of sheer hypocrisy we've corrupted them at the practical level, or do not receieve them at all, in the first place. Therefore, the duty of Impulsum is to make its members thoughtful. The role of Impulsum is to trigger the thoughts of its members and make them potent enough to think for themselves and differentiate between right and wrong.
Swami Vivekananda nicely explains this concept:-
"If a man goes towards what is false, it is because he cannot get what is true. Therefore the only method of correcting what is false is by supplying him with what is true. Do this, and let him compare. You give him the truth, and there your work is done. Let him compare it in his own mind with what he has already in him; and, mark my words, if you have really given him the truth, the false must vanish, light must dispel darkness, and truth will bring the good out. This is the way if you want to reform the country spiritually; this is the way, and not fighting, not even telling people that what they are doing is bad. Put the good before them, see how eagerly they take it, see how the divine that never dies, that is always living in the human, comes up awakened and stretches out its hand for all that is good, and all that is glorious."
-Swami Vivekananda
Thus, this is the ultimate goal of Impulsum. We care for no power, no fame, no money, no nothing. We only care for the simple-minded citizens of India. We want to uplift their sons and daughters. We want to initiate within them a fire to enlighten themselves and their surroundings, be it in any field of work. We, in short, want to manifest their inner divinity to its fullest extent. The reason why I am using the word we here is not because I've gathered a team or something. Here I am, all alone, writing this blog. None really cares if I really maintain this unbreakable streak of blogs or not. None will ask me if I don't post this blog today. I was alone and I am alone. Still the voice within says that it is just the beginning. We refers to YOU and ME.
I envision Impulsum to expand further as an independent wesbite with its own monthly magazine, with a properly maintained YouTube channel. We shall then expand Impulsum as some sort of revolutionary club of people, of youths to discuss reforms in society etc. We shall have monthly or yearly membership etc. We may also bloom as a journalism company, or maybe as a full-fledged political party, who knows? We may also open our own educational institutions and teach the kids their in our own methods. By the God's will, if we rise up as a political party, and win some position of the government, it is for sure that we will have some or the other reforms in the common lifestyle of Indians. Ideas, we have many many. Lets see what shape they take in the future.
Impulsum Blogs, yes, this one, is a tiny seed to what the future Banyan tree of that thing awaits. That, that is all I would say for now. Nothing else, I rest my case. His will be done.
Sincerity and love always prevails.
Have a great, great year ahead.
Daksh Parekh.
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