How Technology is Transforming Humans.
What if I tell you that we are evolving towards being superhumans?
The evolution of humans from single cellular organisms took millions of years. It gave us a brain to think and calculate, eyes to look, vocal cord to communicate, hands and legs to do labour etc.
This is all phenomenal. But if you compare it with the exponential progress we humans did in the past hundred years, well, we developed technology. We find modern gadgets calculating better than us, faster than us and can even permanently store huge packets of memory. We also created a system in past decade which made us connect and communicate with each other from all around the globe. We gave birth to such a system which is very accessible, very productive if used properly and extremely worthful for further progress of humans as a civilisation.
Apart from holding a physical presence, most of us also have an online presence. Our physical intelligence helps us do many things, but gradually devices like mobile phones, PCs etc. are becoming a part of our intelligence, as it were, becoming a reflection of our character.
Elon musk calls it as tertiary intelligence. He says that mobile phones these days have become a part of our intelligence, because we rely on them very much. For money transactions we use phones, for capturing photos and videos, for entertainment etc. Think how many roles a single mobile phone plays. Presently, the very internet that is the biggest technological revolution is helping me here to express my ideas.
The point I want to make here is about the potential of technology in the betterment of an individual as well as an entire society.
1. Ease in Education with Technology
What is a nation infact? It is the sum total of all the brains that run the nation. Some have good influence, some have low. Some are able to practice their ideas into our society and some aren't fortunate enough even to realise that they are thinking creatures. You see, it all depends on the education received by an individual. In a technical language, that's what we call literacy rate.
An ideal country has a thinking citizen, well-educated and well-aware of the ongoing affairs of the nation. With proper education in the childhood, one can easily manifest one's inner potential and contribute to the national progress. But as we discussed, all are not fortunate enough to receive guidance and direction.
Here is where technology comes to help. With technology, education becomes extremely accessible. None can exploit in the name of education and it is imparted equaly on the internet. If one can just manage to afford a device with internet, he literally gets connected to the whole planet even if he lives in the barren desert of Sahara.
I always exclaim when I think of education in olden days - just books. Whether if you want to study science or history or even wanted to know any food recipe, there's only any book which can guide you. People learnt from books, people taught from books, that's it. Here I am, even if I want to know the age of our current prime minister, I am one Google search away from it. On youtube, I can even get an entire biography on his life!
Hence, education has not only become accesible but also limitless. If a person has enough determination and patience, he can verily self-teach himself on the internet and be an expert in any discipline whatsoever.
Internet has killed the authority of colleges to give you degrees which marked you a certified expert. Therefore, today people think that dropping out from colleges, self-teaching will give oneself more secured future than being isolated for years in a college to learn a single discipline, only to see a completely transformed world after four years. The idea of spending oceans of dollars and earning degree to get a job no longer works as here is a self-taught fellow who offers hundred times more value to the company, him being more skilled and passionate about learning, with creativity on the seventh sky.
2. Internet Shapes Earth as a Global Village.
Never ever in the history of humanity have we become more closer to eachother as nations. Cultures are fusing due to internet now. People of diversed backgrounds are getting platform to express themselves. With internet, we are able to know Earth in its fullest, its places, people and so on.
Using internet resourcefully is the best thing one can do to be productive in any field. As it is the knife that cut vegetables and so is the knife that cuts a throat, internet is a boon for humanity and at the same time a bane. Use it to build your character and it will be your best guide.
I will close today's blog with a saying of Elon Musk.
"Future is worth getting excited about."
Daksh Parekh.
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