Rationality is Our Superpower :- But How to Be More Rational As A Society?
Among the millions and millions of life forms that exist on earth, see how far we humans have come, and that what spectacular dominance we humans have on this planet - significantly high than any other creature.
So we get the idea that there's some remarkable quality of highest degree inside humans, which is unmatchable. That alone has made all the difference in the collective progress of humans!
Talking about the word progress, let's scrutinize what it actually stands for. In general sense, human progress seems to have defied the laws of time and space. We feel that humans are lowkey the gods walking on earth. The term has become that natural and obvious to us. Don't they say,
"Even if you die today, the world will keep going on and on, still."
This means that whatever may happen, the motion of human advancement - once set, is bound to go on forever till the last human breathes out. See around. How majestically we've fabricated our lifestyles and norms. Has any other life form on earth ever touched ten percent of it?
Human progress seems surreal. But then, is progressing of humans a universal law? Is it a natural rule that we keep evolving better and better towards ultimate perfection?
This may appear so, but the reality is quite the opposite.
A Harvard professor, Steven Pinker, puts it so nicely :-
"A question that I often get is: Do you believe in progress? Well, I don't believe in progress, at least not as a force in the Universe.
There is no force that's lifting us ever upward. Quite the contrary. The Universe often seems to be out to get us. There are parasites that want to eat us from the inside. There's the laws of entropy: there are more ways for things to go wrong than to go right. There's human nature: we were not selected by the processes of evolution to be particularly nice. We have the capacity for revenge and exploitation. So that's what's lined up against us. But nonetheless, progress has happened.
Steven Pinker rightly says that the whole universe seems to be constantly leading us towards death and disorder. The nature - from tiniest cell to the most sophisticated animal alike, has always tried to crush life, challenge it, push it for survival. In the case of humans, we cheat, exploit and betray among ourselves far more worse than other creatures. Despite all this, progress has happened.
But why? What was that element which stood up against all this? Rationality - reliance on logic and agreement to reasoning.
Take an example. See a dog. That creature is enslaved by passions, ready to pounce upon and kill the other dog fighting for the last bit of a filthy meat piece. Now how the humans deal with each other in the similar situation? They cleverly infused value systems to their society - invented trade, commerce, language and such genius systems to interact and grow better.
Rationality makes all the difference. It is the only way to make things fair for everyone, and come out the best as a civilisation.
If people deploy their rationality, their cognition, their language with the goal of making other people better off- then the result, over time, is what we call 'progress.' Can we become more rational? It's a pressing question because irrational beliefs lead to all sorts of disasters.
This also follows that rationality is the means and end to be perfect, or atleast our best attempt to strive for it.
But the thing is - rationality is scarce. Rationality is demanding, boring, difficult.
We'd really be better off if more of us were more rational. Isn't it?
We did saw how the sole reason for our collective growth was rationality. But even individually, its the best quality we should ever seek. The element that struck me the hardest of my mentor Swami Vivekananda - was his rationality, and a blazing intellect.
So, how can we use rationality effectively as a society?
Here's what Steven Pinker has to say :
There is a capacity in us to become collectively more rational- we can just see it looking backwards. The three great things people desire is to be healthy, wealthy, and wise- and so we can start with those three.
Health: meaning in life, is to be alive rather than dead, and longevity has vastly increased. We live more than twice as long as our ancestors. So we have not just extra life, but as if we've been granted an extra life.
Wealthy: 200 years ago, 90% of the world lived in extreme poverty. Today, about 9% of the world lives in extreme poverty, and that proportion falls every day.
Wise: our natural state is illiteracy and ignorance. And until pretty recently, a small, aristocratic minority was able to read and write. Now it's a majority; 90% of the world's population under the age of 25.
As Barack Obama said a decade ago, "If you had to choose a period of history to live in, you'd pick now."
When people see my argument that many things have, on average, gotten better: the reaction is often, "Oh, it's so nice. You're an optimist." And I always resist that. I don't really consider myself an optimist, I just consider myself someone who looks at data rather than headlines.
Headlines are guaranteed to make you pessimistic, even cynical, or fatalistic because headlines are a non-random sample, of the worst things happening on Earth, at any given time.
It's when you plot data-and that includes gradual trends- you see with your own eyes how things have gotten better, as a fact about human history.
Raising the question of how rational our species is, bumps you immediately up against a kind of paradox: By some measures, we've never been more rational. We have evidence-based medicine, we've got 3D printing, we've got robotics, we've got artificial intelligence. That's at the high end, but we are also seeing an awful lot of what you might call 'Rationality Inequality.'
That is at the other end, there's an awful lot of fallacies and irrationalities. There are conspiracy theories such as that, the Covid vaccines are actually a plot by Bill Gates to inject microchips to surveil us.
How do you explain, or how do I explain- as someone who claims to know a thing or two about rationality- how the same species could indulge in both?
Part of the answer is that we are storytelling animals. We spin narratives. That's one of the ways that we make sense of the world.
But we do have a habit to fall back on narratives, when it comes to big important questions, like: 'How did the world come into being?' 'What really happens in the White House?'
Most people, it's like, you can't find out, and so you might as well believe the best story. The ones that make you and your tribe look great, that make your enemies look evil and stupid; that convey the right moral message. We often aren't so committed to the factual voracity of beliefs that are more in the realm of mythology. We don't care whether they're true or false- they're good things to believe, in that moral community.
Now, if you're a a scientist, if you're a historian, if you're a journalist, you say, "Well, we could find the answers to those questions." Cosmology tells us how old the Universe is, and government transcripts of conversations among leaders tell us what actually happened in the White House.
Our feats of rationality come from institutions, in scientific societies, in government recordkeeping agencies, in responsible journalistic outlets. With this complicated apparatus, we can be, collectively, much more rational than any of us is individually. But it crucially depends on the rules of the game.
Such as, admit you're wrong when you're wrong. If you have a claim, you got to prove it- you can't just jam it down people's throats by authority, or power, or prestige. You got to test your ideas with experiments or data. All of these rules and norms are what allow networks of us to blunder our way toward rationality and truth.
Can more people become more rational?
A common answer among, you know, my people is "education!" We've got to teach kids critical thinking, but education can't be the only part of the answer.
And the reason is all too familiar: Students take a course, they cram for the exam. The exam is over, by the time the ink is dry, they forgot most of what they crammed for in the exam. It can't just be you take a course in critical thinking. It's got to be that the principles of critical thinking are just part of what it means to be a decent, thinking, respectable person. So if you're writing an op-ed, or a blog post, or commenting on a tweet, or even having an argument in a bar, you got to keep those principles of critical thinking. It's got to be part of our norms. It's got to be, like, not going out naked in public. Several hundred years ago people believed in the existence of werewolves and unicorns. People believed that you could placate angry gods by sacrificing innocent people. People would take the whole family out to laugh at the insane in an asylum for entertainment on a Sunday afternoon. So there is hope. It doesn't happen instantly. It doesn't happen to everyone.
There will always be pockets of irrationality. But we can try to kind of steer the ocean liner, slowly and gradually, in the direction of greater rationality.
Daksh Parekh.
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