Time to Gaze Inwards :- See You All Soon.
It's a tough decision, an emotional decision to put a temporary pause to Impulsum Blogs - my vast online ocean of ideas - and a collection of 180 blogs and 4,500+ views, written from the depths of my heart and the core of my intellect in a span of 3+ years with a dedication, consistency of weekly blog-publishing commitment.
Well, the urge to write blogs had arosen from overflowing knowledge from books. Now I find myself barely reading books, barely thinking about the domains of this blogsite's main theme.
Due to constraint of time, I had prioritised reading philosophy, polity, awe-inspiring ideologies, extraordinary people's extraordinary stories - and in a way, denied my soul's food for growth.
The purpose of Impulsum is to lighten the lamp of rationality, awaken the fire of knowledge, sharpen the sword of character of the youths of India.
To not compromise even a bit with the matter and substance of our weekly blogs, here I decide to halt it for few months, in order to replenish and come back with rejuvinated zeal and ideas.
And actually, it's not at all the case that I am halting Impulsum because I am "struggling to get new topics to write on". Just look, I have the next 3 months' topics planned already :-
To be very honest and straightforward, the sole reason I'm pausing Impulsum is to prepare better for my IIT-JEE examinations, which are closer than ever now.
The idea of pausing Impulsum blogs came multiple times in the past, but I brushed away those thoughts by thinking how amazing it is to have a 3+ years of weekly blog publishing consistency..and that it'll be very sad if I break that great rhythm.
But as I said, I have no choice but to stop diverging my focus in myriands of things that I do, and concentrate more in my IIT-JEE preparation.
I hope now I'll be able to study more freely, and with more discipline, less distractions.
As for you all guys,
See you in my upcoming blog, which I'll probably post in July 2024, a blog where I'll pen down my entire experience of this beautiful journey in which I am constantly facing my own soul - it's weakness and strengths.
May the Krishna of the Geeta, the Parthsarathi, guide us all towards truth and light.
Jai Hind,
Daksh Parekh.
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